Articles by Annemarie

For detecting gram-negative, lactose fermenting bacilli and as a presumptive test for Coliform organisms in food, water, milk, and other materials. …

An alternative method for ISO 6888-2. Medium for the enumeration of coagulase-positive Staphylococci in 22 hours. …

A method for the detection and enumeration of Listeria monocytogenes and of Listeria spp. in food products, and in environmental samples. …

An alternative method for ISO 10272. A selective chromogenic agar used for the detection and enumeration of thermophilic Campylobacter spp. in food and environmental samples. …

An alternative method for ISO 6579. A selective media allowing the isolation and differentiation of bacteria belonging to the genus Salmonella. …

An alternative method for ISO 6579. Salmonellae in food, feed, and environmental samples (except primary production samples). …

An alternative method for ISO 7932. For detection and the enumeration of spores and vegetative forms of presumptive species Bacillus cereus in products destined for human and animal consumption. …

Biosisto - Quality in Control

Microbiological laboratories should be able to receive reliable analysis without much overhead. A microbiological analyst must be able to focus on the primary activities, for example analysis of the sample material. Quality control should support the analyst in a logical and simple manner. By using modern information technology, process control and quality assurance are designed smarter and more effective.

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