Recommended CRM for process control
  • Wild strain
  • WDCM 00021
Can also be used for performance testing
  • WDCM 00109
Can also be used for performance testing
Alternative CRM’s
  • WDCM 00110
  • WDCM 00021

PR ≥ 0,5
Blue-green colonies with opaque halo

  • WDCM 00109

PR ≥ 0,5
Blue-green colonies with opaque halo

  • WDCM 00012

Total inhibition (0)

  • WDCM 00009

Total inhibition (0)

  • WDCM 00017

Blue-green colonies without opaque halo

Carbohydrate utilization (L-Rhamnose and D-Xylose)
  • WDCM 00021

Positive reaction: L-Rhamnose; Yellow

Negative reaction: D-Xylose; no change

  • WDCM 00017

L-Rhamnose; variable reaction

D-Xylose; no change

  • WDCM 00018

L-Rhamnose; no change

D-Xylose; Yellow

Catalase reagent (2% hydrogen peroxide solution)
  • WDCM 00021

Positive reaction: Formation of bubbles of oxygen

  • WDCM 00009

Negative reaction: No formation of bubbles of oxygen

Motility media - Non-selective liquid medium including sterile water
  • WDCM 00021

Positive reaction: Tumbling motility in liquid medium at 25°C under a phase-contrast microscope

  • WDCM 00034

Negative reaction: No motility in liquid medium

Voges-Proskauer (VP) reaction
  • WDCM 00021

Positive reaction: Formation of a pink to bright red layer within 15 min of adding the required reagents and shaking

  • WDCM 00012

Negative reaction: No formation of a pink to bright red layer

CAMP test
  • WDCM 00034

For undertake the CAMP test

  • WDCM 00028

For undertake the CAMP test


  • WDCM 00021

Narrow band of β-haemolysis

  • WDCM 00017

No haemolysis

  • WDCM 00018

Wide band of β-haemolysis

Performance testing of culture media is according to ISO 11290-2:2017

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