Method Performance Report
This menu shows a performance of a selected method with a specific CRM batch.
This option is only available with an extended license.
Validated analytical methods must undergo periodic revalidation based on ISO 17025.
The Method Performance Report provides, per method, the performance characteristics based on the first-line control analyses, with which the revalidation can be demonstrated.

Render a Method Performance Report
Select Method, Optional Batch, Optional Strain, and period -> Render report.
A list of the selected method, batches, and strains is displayed.
The Report can be viewed by pressing Open Panel.
Item | Kind of Report information |
Selection Recap | Information about the used method and used CRM |
Methode Performance | Average, Standard Deviation reproducibility, Reproducibility, Reproducibility relative standard deviation, Measurement Uncertainty, # datapoints, # Non conform (3s deviations), % Non conform |
ControlChart | ControlChart displayed |
Non-Conformity Form Report | List of NC's in the ControlChart |