Backup and Restore

Information about how backup and recovery are arranged.


Biosisto uses Microsoft for development and hosting of the application BiosistoChart. BiosistoChart uses Microsoft SQL databases for data storage; all data is encrypted. Some key properties of Microsoft Azure SQL Databases:

  • The BiosistoChart SQL databases have Geolocation: West Europa.
  • Azure SQL Database is a robust database service offered by Microsoft Azure. As part of the Azure backup architecture, Azure SQL Database has a built-in backup mechanism that lets you restore your database to any point, within a configurable retention window of 0-35 days. The point in time can be chosen in detail, up to a specific
  • Azure SQL Database backup uses read-access geo-redundant storage (RA-GRS), replicated to a paired data center to make backups resilient to data center outages. BiosistoChart is hosted in Geo location West Europa, which is paired with North Europa. At the time of writing this memo means that the data is stored in The Netherlands and the backup data is stored in the Netherlands and Ireland.


The requirements for BiosistoChart are:

  • Point-in-time backup for at least 14 days with minimal data losses.
  • Storage is encrypted.
  • Secure data storage even when a major disaster happens; For example, a Microsoft data center is out for several days/weeks.


BiosistoChart uses:

  • BiosistoChart uses 35 days of retention.
  • All data is encrypted.
  • Data is securely stored at two geo-locations. Which means the data is available when one data center is unavailable. The data is secure, but it will probably take a few days to make it available for customers when a disaster happens.

Biosisto - Quality in Control

Microbiological laboratories should be able to receive reliable analysis without much overhead. A microbiological analyst must be able to focus on the primary activities, for example analysis of the sample material. Quality control should support the analyst in a logical and simple manner. By using modern information technology, process control and quality assurance are designed smarter and more effective.

Biosisto b.v.
Martin Luther Kingweg 3
9403 PA Assen, The Netherlands
