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Active Control Charts
An explanation of what you see on the Active Control Charts screen:
The batch you purchased, Biosisto, or possibly a self-created batch of your reference material.
All CRMs or Batch numbers you use, and associated strains are entered into the system. We will discuss this in detail later in the batches chapter.
The name of the microorganism contained in the product. A product can contain several strains. A CRM with more than one strain is called a multi-strain, and a CRM with one strain is called a single strain. This information can be consulted on the webshop or the Certificate of analysis. In addition to a micro-organism or strain, there may also be a Total Count in the list. A Total Count only occurs with a multi-strain. And is the sum of all strains. More information can be found in the chapter strain.
Here the analysis method of research is stated. Each strain has its method. That can also be several methods. But a control chart can only have one method. You enter your used analysis method at the methods screen. We will discuss this in detail later in the chapter Methods.
The summary is a short specification of the method you entered: the culture medium, plate type, incubation conditions, and the life stage (cell or spore). When entering the method, you also enter the data of the media and incubation conditions you use. We will discuss this in detail later in the Media chapter.
The type of control chart is indicated here. How to set up a control chart will be discussed in the chapter Control Chart.
Data Point en Last Count
The number of data points in the Control Chart and the date of the last data point entered.
(Location) Open Non Conformity Forms

Here are two types of Non-Conformity Forms (NFC) visible, namely:
- Open Non-Conformity Forms – this is the list of personal NCF(s) that have not been settled
- Location Open Non-Conformity Forms – this is the list of total laboratory NCF(s) that have not been settled
An explanation of what you see in this NCF screen:
The analyst who entered the data point. Several analysts can work on one control chart. Non Conformity Form appears when a value is exceeded in the control chart and must be completed to determine the root cause of the exceedance. It is possible that there is a systematic or incidental error. It provides a clear overview of NC over time; with a method, batch, analyst, and batch medium, the effects of (minor) adjustments can become visible in the Non-Conformity Report.
NC Type and Number
The type of Non-Conformity in the Control Chart. This can, for example, be an NC in the BatchCount or Batch limit. The number of the NC is the unique ID.
We will discuss this in detail later in the chapter Non-Conformity Forms (NFC).
This is further discussed in the chapters Non-Conformity Forms (NFC) and Non-Conformity Form report.
Batch, Strain, Method ControlChart Type en Created on en Last Changed On
Information in which Control Chart the NF occurred.
A Non-Conformity Form is automatically created when limits are exceeded in a ControlChart or QualityChart. An authorized person must handle a Non-Conformity Form. This may differ per laboratory. We will discuss this in detail later in the chapter Non-Conformity Forms (NFC).